Internal Ambassador Application Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Name *GenderFemaleMaleOtherAge *Country *City of residenceEmail *Are you active on LinkedIn? YesNoHow many LinkedIn contacts do you have? *Are you active on Facebook?YesNoHow many Facebook contacts do you have? *Are you active on Instagram? YesNoHow many Instagram contacts do you have? *Please mention other social media platforms you have a profile on, how many contacts you have and if you are active. Please describe your interest and view on sustainibility. *(not more than 150 words)Please describe why you would like to be an Ambassador with Sustainable mPact? *(not more than 150 words)Please describe the expectations you have on Sustainable mPact should you become an Ambassador. *(not more than 150 words)Please describe how you will be able to contribute based on your ambassadorship as chosen below. *(not more than 150 words)What is your primary SDG? *No specific1. No Poverty2. Zero Hunger3. Good Health And Well-Being4. Quality Education5. Gender Equality6. Clean Water And Sanitation7. Affordable And Clean Energy8. Decent Work And Economic Growth9. Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure10. Reduced Inequalitie11. Sustainable Cities And Communities12. Personable Consumption And Production13. Climate Action14. Life Below Water15. Life On Land16. Peace, Justice, And Strong Institutions17. Partnership For The GoalsIs there an SDG that interests you more than others? What is your secondary SDG?No specific1. No Poverty2. Zero Hunger3. Good Health And Well-Being4. Quality Education5. Gender Equality6. Clean Water And Sanitation7. Affordable And Clean Energy8. Decent Work And Economic Growth9. Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure10. Reduced Inequalitie11. Sustainable Cities And Communities12. Personable Consumption And Production13. Climate Action14. Life Below Water15. Life On Land16. Peace, Justice, And Strong Institutions17. Partnership For The GoalsIs there an SDG that interests you more than others? Please choose the internal ambassadorship that corresponds with your skillset and your drive *Copywriter (Digital content writer, Creative SoMe writer)SoMe SpecialistCommunication AssistantWP developerInformation securityDigital Graphic DesignEvent Coordinator (mainly Digital Events for the time being)Content ProducerPR – Media relationsHow many hours per week will you be able to spend as an ambassador for Sustainable mPact? Selected Value: 1 MessageSubmit